Be Involved!
Join a Committee
To join a committee please email
In the subject line indicate which committee (s) you would like to join.
Also, email us with any additional questions you may have about the committee and the timelines and effort which might be required.
The busiest committees are convention, secondary conference, and membership.
All committees meet via conference call and most committee work is completed by the spring months.
Committee Descriptions
Standing Committees
Click the committee name to learn more about that committee.
Bylaws Committee
Communications Committee
Convention Committee
Eastern Secondary Market Committee
Education Committee
Future Leaders Committee
Legislative Committee
Membership Committee
MBAF Standing Committees are this Associations “backbone” and are a key factor in the success of its initiatives and activities. They are the vehicles that facilitate and accomplish its annual goals and objectives and serve as the “building blocks” for future endeavors. Decisions made by the board of Directors are generally based on information and recommendations made by the Committees. Accordingly, committee members are considered to be the leaders of the MBA of tomorrow.
Committee Chair - Roles and Responsibilities
Roy George - Chair
Bob Niemi, CMB - Co-Chair
CMB Society
Bob Niemi, CMB - Chair
Suha Zehl
2024 Annual Convention Co-Chairs
Tim Bazell (always Vice President)
Michelle Mendez (also Director)
2024 Secondary Conference Co-Chairs
Robert Villalon (always Vice President)
Yvette Clermont, CMB, AMP (also Director)
Education Committee Co-Chairs
Beth Larson
Bryan Lovell
Future Leaders
Roy George (always 2nd Vice President)
Robert Villalon (always President-Elect)
Eric Prutsman (Lobbyist)
Jay Ralstin
MPAC Chair – Yvette Clermont
MORPAC Chair – Dustin Owen
MAA Chair – Doug Calabrese
Membership Co-Chairs
Bob Niemi, CMB (always Secretary-Treasurer)
Dawn Henshaw
Political Action Committee MPAC
Sherry Wenrich (President-Elect)
(No volunteer sign-ups for this committee as MPAC’s board consists of up to ten (10) trustee members. Each trustee is an officer or Director of the Mortgage Bankers Association of Florida or a past officer or Director that is employed by a member company.)
CMB Society of Florida
Bob Niemi, CMB (2nd Vice President)
Suha Zehl
Yvette Cermont, CMB, AMP (Is Past President 2007-2008)
(The Regular Members of the Society will elect a Chairperson and a Secretary each year at the annual convention of the Mortgage Bankers Association of Florida convention. They shall serve for one year. In the event that an officer has to step down, the members will elect a successor.)
The Committee Chairman should assume five basic duties:
Facilitate the committee’s work, helping it to run smoothly. Rather than doing the work themselves, they should call meetings, set the agenda, encourage discussion, and delegate tasks to other committee members;
Regularly remind members to stay focused on the purpose of the committee and current committee projects;
Committee Member, MBAF President and Executive Director. The Executive Director is an “ex officio” (by virtue of office) member of all committees. The experience and insights of the President and Executive Director should be relied upon as an essential factor in each committee’s success.
Insist that all members support majority decisions of the committee. Follow the committee budget and allowable expenditures. Keep financial goals in mind when setting programs.
Roy George - Chair (Second VP)
Bob Niemi, CMB - Co-Chair
Local Chapter Representation
Every non-profit corporation has to act according to its bylaws. The bylaws are a set of rules (based off the applicable laws in your state) that govern how the non-profit is to be run. The bylaws provide guidance to the board of directors and can help when operational questions arise. The bylaw committee is responsible for all issues and questions related to these rules. Read more: Duties of a Non-Profit Bylaws Committee | list_5923153_duties-non_profit-bylaws-committee.html#ixzz1NONqNHNO
Ensure all bylaws are being followed
Review Bylaws as necessary
Respond to any questions regarding the bylaws
Adjust the bylaws to present to the members for vote if such actions are needed
Executive Director and Chapter Marketing Chairs
To provide a formal communication link with all members.
Serve as the central coordination and communication point for external issues involving Florida real estate lending with the MBAF general membership.
Review and obtain relevant articles to be included in the quarterly newsletter;
Assimilate, coordinate, and facilitate the timely distribution of information to the membership on various industry-related topics including:
State and Federal agency regulations and guidelines;
State and Federal legislative initiatives; market analysis and other statistical and demographic data; and newsworthy articles and features.
News of relevance to all MBAF members.
Periodic review of the MBAF Web Site and suggested updates to remove, change or add.
Coordinate and communicate with the Legislative Committee and other related industries (Realtor, builder, mortgage brokers, etc.) regarding newsworthy matters
The Committee Chairman will attend all quarterly Board of Directors meetings and present a written report on committee activities.
Tim Bazell (always Vice President)
Michelle Mendez (also Director)
Sub-Committee Chairmen (Appointed by the Chairman.)
Representatives from Each Chapter and Member Volunteers
All Local Chapter Presidents
Coordinate, plan, and facilitate the Annual MBAF Convention
Make all arrangements for special education programs to meet the needs of the MBAF membership.
1. Plan and conduct, with the assistance of the Executive Office and the Board of Directors, the Annual Convention.
Coordinates with the Legislative Chairman to determine current issues of interest that will provide membership education opportunities.
Provide networking opportunities for MBAF regular and associate members.
Plan and conduct special education programs.
Provide a profit base for the MBAF through programs offered, active solicitation of sponsorships, and advertising.
The Committee Chairman will attend all quarterly Board of Directors meetings and present a written report on committee activities.
Establish sub-committees to facilitate activities.
Door Prizes - Sponsorships
Provide input on convention brochure format for approval by the MBAF President, Convention Committee Chair, and MBAF Executive Director.
Door Prizes
Solicit monetary or gift contributions for door prices to be awarded at the convention.
Ensure timely delivery of door prizes to the convention site.
Establish criteria for eligibility and distribution at the convention.
Invite contributions from members and non-members to sponsor functions and events as established by the MBAF President, Convention Chair, MBAF Executive Director, and committee members.
Generate revenues to offset convention costs, while providing promotional/marketing opportunities to the sponsors.
Ensure that all sponsors are properly recognized.
Review program for entertainment needs at the convention after criteria has been established by the Convention Committee.
Entertainment contacts must comply with budget requirements and can only be executed by the MBAF Executive Director.
Enhance attendance by actively and aggressively promoting the convention.
Local Chapter Presidents to assist in the dissemination of information at their monthly meetings
Responsible for obtaining volunteers to assist MBAF staff with all registration functions and ticket events.
Assist as hospitality persons to solve problems and offer assistance to attendees during the convention.
Confirm and coordinate participation of speakers invited by the MBAF President, Committee Chair, or committee members.
Coordinate arrangements with the MBAF state office.
Special Activities
Coordinate and implement all special events including tennis, golf, fishing, spouse/family activities, scavenger hunts, etc. Each activity will have a liaison contact responsible for the function.
Beth Larson (Director)
Bryan Lovell (Director)
Coordinate, plan, and facilitate special education programs to meet the needs of the MBA of Florida membership and others within the mortgage banking industry.
Plan and conduct, with the assistance of the Executive Office and the Board of Directors, educational opportunities throughout the year.
Coordinates with the Legislative Chairman and / or our Legislative Representative to determine current issues of interest that will provide membership education opportunities.
Provide a profit base for the MBAF through programs offered.
The Committee Chair can attend all quarterly Board of Directors meetings to provide a verbal report and present a written report on committee activities.
Robert Villalon (always President—Elect)
Yvette Clermont, CMB, AMP (always Past President)
Representatives from Each Chapter and MBAF Members or specialty assistance from secondary leaders in the industry
Current Future Leader Candidates
Coordinate, plan, and facilitate the Annual Eastern Secondary Market Conference
Make all arrangements for programs and speakers to meet the needs of the MBAF membership and interested attendees from other states.
Select relevant programming to ensure members receive education in the secondary market for themselves as well bringing this knowledge back to their customers.
Plan and conduct, with the assistance of the Executive Office and the Board of Directors, the Eastern Secondary Market Conference.
Provide networking opportunities for MBAF regular and associate members.
Identify and select programs and speakers based on the current climate of the industry and bring relevant programming to the members.
Identity the need for vendor exhibits and solicit participation
Provide a profit base for the MBAF through programs offered, active solicitation of sponsorships, and exhibits.
The Committee Co-Chairman will attend all quarterly Board of Directors meetings and present a written report on committee activities.
Roy George (always 2nd Vice President)
Vice Chairman (Appointed by President.)
Representatives from Each Chapter and Member Volunteers
MBAF’s Future Leaders Program is dedicated to identifying and cultivating the next generation of industry leaders by delivering a comprehensive leadership training experience for selected participants through four events offered throughout the year
Identify Future Leader candidates with the following criteria to participate in the program:
Real estate finance professionals with a minimum of 3 years experience.
Full-time employees of Regular or Associate MBA member firms or adjunct state associations
Individuals that have demonstrated a commitment to a career in real estate finance or an affiliated business through professional excellence and achievement .
Maintain a review process to ensure participants complete the requirements of the program that are currently outlined as the following four events:
Eastern Secondary Market Conference - Attend the conference as well as serve as a member of the planning committee to expand your understanding of the big picture of mortgage banking.
Legislative Day - Participate in MBAF Legislative Day. Learn how the votes of our elected officials affect the mortgage banking industry.
Annual State Convention - Attend the convention, network with peers, participate in all sessions as well as serve as a member of the convention committee or a sub-committee.
National Education Programs - Successfully complete at least one MBA National course to expand your knowledge of the mortgage banking industry.
Review and approve all communications to be distributed to MBAF members..
Coordinate Activities with the Membership / Communications Committee to ensure that all MBAF members are informed of the Future Leaders Program.
The Committee Chairman will attend all quarterly Board of Directors meetings and present a written report on committee activities.
Future Leaders will be assigned a special issue to jointly solve throughout the year. Returning Future Leaders will present results of previous years assignment.
Robert Villalon (always President-Elect)
Eric Prutsman (Lobbyist)
Jay Ralstin
Legislative Chairmen from Each MBAF Local Chapter, and/or; Representatives from Each Chapter and Member Volunteers
Monitor Florida State Government activities that will effect the mortgage banking industry.
Sponsor useful legislation and proposals as directed by the Board & Executive Committee.
Make regular reports periodically to the membership of the association regarding legislation and regulatory issues.
Act as liaison between the Legislative Representative employed by the MBAF and the MBAF’s membership, including the MPAC Committee.
Assist the general membership of the Association in the solution of problems which may develop in the course of business activities.
Monitor all industry relations activities of the Association and investor changes/updates. Communicate these changes to MBAF members.
Publish communications to the membership during legislative session
Review the “Florida Legislative Reports, Inc.” (published daily) for any bills, issues, or changes in the Florida Legislature or Committees that will effect the MBAF membership.
Work with the Mortgage Bankers Association Legislative Committee on issues of joint concern or when such action will enhance MBAF initiatives or issues.
Coordinate activities with the Executive Committee.
Chairman will attend all quarterly Board of Directors meetings and present a written report on committee activities.
From time to time create one or more ad-hoc committees to specifically address issues deemed of significant importance. The Chairman shall have the authority to form such committees, with the approval of the MBAF President.
Bob Niemi, CMB (always Secretary-Treasurer)
Dawn Henshaw
To promote membership in the association and provide a formal communication link with all members.
Review membership listing of unpaid members in the beginning of the year to assist in contacting these members for keeping their continued support and membership in MBA of Florida
Conduct membership campaigns and solicit applications from potential new members.
Act as a marketing group to promote the advantages of MBAF membership.
Provide an annual analysis of the membership classifications and the bylaws of each affiliated local chapter.
Serve as liaison between the state association office and the membership committees of the affiliated chapters, making recommendations regarding classification of members and methods to promote membership. Assist in local chapter membership drives and membership retention efforts.
The Committee Chairman will attend all quarterly Board of Directors meetings and present a written report on committee activities.
New Members Welcome Committee
Each of the seven local chapters will appoint a separate person other than the local chapter president to take part in the membership activities. When there is a new member of the MBA of Florida, this sub-committee is charged with personally contacting the main person that is within their chapter’s region. You will welcome the new member to the association, provide any assistance or information they may need, suggest they get involved and join a committee, etc. *Once a new member joins, the process is for the state to send a welcome message including all the links to join a committee and any events upcoming. The welcoming member will be the follow-up to this as a personal peer contact.